

Physical Activity.Non-agricultural workers

Data summary


Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
has_urban_phys_activities [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
214216 ( 41.6% )
301197 ( 58.4% )
0 (0.0%)
work_activity_level [factor]
  1. Mainly sedentary (e.g. of
  1. Standing occupation (e.g.
  1. Manual work (e.g. plumber
  1. Heavy manual work (e.g. m
  1. Retired or housewife/husb
59300 ( 19.7% )
35746 ( 11.9% )
50020 ( 16.6% )
2045 ( 0.7% )
154086 ( 51.2% )
214216 (41.6%)
work_hours_per_week [integer]
Mean (sd) : 47.4 (15.3)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
1 ≤ 42 ≤ 99
IQR (CV) : 16 (0.3)
99 distinct values 368302 (71.5%)
work_journey_mode [factor]
  1. Mainly walk
  1. By motorbike
  1. By bicycle
  1. By bus/car/ferry/train
  1. Mainly stay at home or wo
26458 ( 18.0% )
32221 ( 21.9% )
30153 ( 20.5% )
32310 ( 22.0% )
25969 ( 17.7% )
368302 (71.5%)
work_journey_mins [integer]
Mean (sd) : 40.1 (31.2)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
1 ≤ 30 ≤ 360
IQR (CV) : 40 (0.8)
105 distinct values 394271 (76.5%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

Resurvey 1

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
has_urban_phys_activities [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
8048 ( 40.6% )
11755 ( 59.4% )
0 (0.0%)
work_activity_level [factor]
  1. Mainly sedentary (e.g. of
  1. Standing occupation (e.g.
  1. Manual work (e.g. plumber
  1. Heavy manual work (e.g. m
  1. Retired or housewife/husb
2113 ( 18.0% )
1047 ( 8.9% )
1659 ( 14.1% )
71 ( 0.6% )
6865 ( 58.4% )
8048 (40.6%)
work_hours_per_week [integer]
Mean (sd) : 47.3 (15.7)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
2 ≤ 48 ≤ 99
IQR (CV) : 16 (0.3)
80 distinct values 14913 (75.3%)
work_journey_mode [factor]
  1. Mainly walk
  1. By motorbike
  1. By bicycle
  1. By bus/car/ferry/train
  1. Mainly stay at home or wo
747 ( 15.3% )
1364 ( 27.9% )
751 ( 15.4% )
1164 ( 23.8% )
864 ( 17.7% )
14913 (75.3%)
work_journey_mins [integer]
Mean (sd) : 39 (29.3)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
2 ≤ 30 ≤ 360
IQR (CV) : 40 (0.8)
46 distinct values 15777 (79.7%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

Resurvey 2

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
has_urban_phys_activities [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
6189 ( 24.7% )
18865 ( 75.3% )
198 (0.8%)
work_activity_level [factor]
  1. Mainly sedentary (e.g. of
  1. Standing occupation (e.g.
  1. Manual work (e.g. plumber
  1. Heavy manual work (e.g. m
  1. Retired or housewife/husb
2593 ( 13.7% )
1678 ( 8.9% )
2448 ( 13.0% )
155 ( 0.8% )
11991 ( 63.6% )
6387 (25.3%)
work_journey_mins [integer]
Mean (sd) : 35.6 (30)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
1 ≤ 30 ≤ 360
IQR (CV) : 20 (0.8)
63 distinct values 19413 (76.9%)
work_days_per_week [integer]
Mean (sd) : 5.9 (1.2)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
1 ≤ 6 ≤ 7
IQR (CV) : 2 (0.2)
1 : 18 ( 0.3% )
2 : 84 ( 1.2% )
3 : 183 ( 2.7% )
4 : 289 ( 4.2% )
5 : 2013 ( 29.3% )
6 : 1519 ( 22.1% )
7 : 2768 ( 40.3% )
18378 (72.8%)
work_hours_per_day [integer]
Mean (sd) : 8 (2.3)
min ≤ med ≤ max:
1 ≤ 8 ≤ 20
IQR (CV) : 2 (0.3)
20 distinct values 18378 (72.8%)
work_journey_mode2 [factor]
  1. Mainly walk
  1. By motorbike
  1. By bicycle
  1. By bus/ferry/train
  1. By car/taxi
  1. Mainly stay at home or wo
1085 ( 15.8% )
2531 ( 36.8% )
652 ( 9.5% )
775 ( 11.3% )
796 ( 11.6% )
1035 ( 15.1% )
18378 (72.8%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

International Coordinating Centre, China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), CTSU, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF

Tel: +44 (0)1865 743743 | Fax: +44 (0)1865 743985 | Email:

Copyright China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), University of Oxford, (2024)

Page generated: 27-02-2024