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IT Systems

CKB has developed a wide range of bespoke IT systems to facilitate data collection, study and sample management, quality control, and monitoring. Their use has greatly improved the accuracy and completeness of the data collected. These include the computerised direct data-entry system for the baseline and periodic resurveys and systems for blood sample aliquoting, tracking and storage. In addition, comprehensive systems exist for reporting of quality control and monitoring; remote database management; consent form tracking and data entry; stock control and equipment calibration; linkage for long-term follow-up of fatal and non-fatal outcomes; and disease outcome verification and adjudication. All systems are robustly tested for functionality and data security.

Standard operating procedures

A range of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) was developed to standardise the conduct of many aspects of the study. These cover several key aspects of the work, including: general study management; the organisation and conduct of fieldwork; conduct of physical examinations; sample collection, handling and processing; collection and validation of health-related outcomes.