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Sofia Mouchti

Sofia Mouchti

Sofia Mouchti

BSc, MSc

DPhil Student

Sofia joined the Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU), the Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU), and St Cross College as a full time DPhil student in January 2021, under the supervision of Professor Gillian Reeves and Professor Zhengming Chen.

Her project aims to investigate the mechanism of vascular and ectopic fat distribution on different types of cancer, and to develop novel biomarkers of fat distribution as a predictor of site specific cancers. Data analysed comes from the Million Woman Study, China Kadoorie Biobank and UK Biobank, and altogether they include more than 2 million participants from the UK and China, allowing the elimination of bias and allow conclusions for generalisability by comparing results from different populations. 

In 2015 Sofia graduated with a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Athens, where she developed an excellent understanding of the theory of statistics, probabilities and computer science.

In 2016 she completed the MSc Medical Statistics at the University of Leicester where she gained in-depth understanding of fundamental and more advanced statistical methods, and specialised in genetic epidemiology. Her dissertation explored the comparison of two discrimination methods for the classification of brain cancer on microarray data.

That same year, Sofia also joined the Musculoskeletal Research Unit at the University of Bristol as a research associate in biostatistics, where she gained extensive experience in applying Survival Analysis in registry data.

Since 2019, Sofia has been working as a biostatistician for Perspectum on data and statistical analyses, and has produced publications regarding novel non-invasive biomarkers to diagnose diseases in multiple organs.