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Qunhua (Judith) Nie


Research Assistant

Judith (Qunhua) joined the Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU) in 1997 and has worked as research assistant in several large clinical trials such as COMMIT, SHARP, HPS2-THRIVE and the large scale of epidemiology study - China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB).

During 2006-2016 she was one of the key members in the administration team in running Oxford-China Fellowship programmes which provides residence training in epidemiology, medical statistics and clinical trials methodology to clinical doctors and public health workers from China. She is currently working on two main aspects, Outcome Adjudication (OA) project and CKB administrative support. 

Judith worked almost 10 years in various institutions including education and industry before moved to the UK. She graduated in 1988 with a BA (Hons) from North-West University in China.