

Device Data.Dermatoglyphics

Data summary

Resurvey 2

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
left_d1_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
78 ( 3.9% )
64 ( 3.2% )
778 ( 38.6% )
1058 ( 52.5% )
38 ( 1.9% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d1_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
78 ( 3.9% )
63 ( 3.1% )
1 ( 0.0% )
31 ( 1.5% )
747 ( 37.1% )
556 ( 27.6% )
502 ( 24.9% )
38 ( 1.9% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d2_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
128 ( 6.3% )
148 ( 7.3% )
886 ( 43.9% )
831 ( 41.2% )
23 ( 1.1% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d2_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
128 ( 6.3% )
92 ( 4.6% )
56 ( 2.8% )
189 ( 9.4% )
697 ( 34.6% )
587 ( 29.1% )
244 ( 12.1% )
23 ( 1.1% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d3_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
96 ( 4.8% )
97 ( 4.8% )
1085 ( 53.8% )
723 ( 35.9% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d3_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
96 ( 4.8% )
62 ( 3.1% )
35 ( 1.7% )
33 ( 1.6% )
1052 ( 52.2% )
533 ( 26.4% )
190 ( 9.4% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d4_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
111 ( 5.5% )
24 ( 1.2% )
722 ( 35.8% )
1143 ( 56.7% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d4_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
111 ( 5.5% )
19 ( 0.9% )
5 ( 0.2% )
11 ( 0.5% )
711 ( 35.3% )
1001 ( 49.7% )
142 ( 7.0% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d5_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
178 ( 8.8% )
31 ( 1.5% )
1380 ( 68.5% )
405 ( 20.1% )
22 ( 1.1% )
23236 (92.0%)
left_d5_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
178 ( 8.8% )
26 ( 1.3% )
5 ( 0.2% )
11 ( 0.5% )
1369 ( 67.9% )
292 ( 14.5% )
113 ( 5.6% )
22 ( 1.1% )
23236 (92.0%)
palmar_creases_left [factor]
  1. missing
  1. single radial base crease
  1. double radial base crease
  1. triple radial base crease
  1. unclear to classify
5 ( 0.2% )
885 ( 44.0% )
1082 ( 53.8% )
39 ( 1.9% )
0 ( 0.0% )
23241 (92.0%)
ss_line_left [factor]
  1. missing
  1. normal
  1. Simian line
  1. Sydney line
  1. unclear to classify
4 ( 0.2% )
1900 ( 94.5% )
91 ( 4.5% )
16 ( 0.8% )
0 ( 0.0% )
23241 (92.0%)
right_d1_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
57 ( 2.8% )
41 ( 2.0% )
730 ( 36.2% )
1176 ( 58.3% )
12 ( 0.6% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d1_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
57 ( 2.8% )
39 ( 1.9% )
2 ( 0.1% )
18 ( 0.9% )
712 ( 35.3% )
761 ( 37.7% )
415 ( 20.6% )
12 ( 0.6% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d2_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
99 ( 4.9% )
135 ( 6.7% )
911 ( 45.2% )
855 ( 42.4% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d2_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
99 ( 4.9% )
86 ( 4.3% )
49 ( 2.4% )
167 ( 8.3% )
744 ( 36.9% )
657 ( 32.6% )
198 ( 9.8% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d3_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
72 ( 3.6% )
45 ( 2.2% )
1279 ( 63.4% )
605 ( 30.0% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d3_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
72 ( 3.6% )
34 ( 1.7% )
11 ( 0.5% )
30 ( 1.5% )
1249 ( 62.0% )
490 ( 24.3% )
115 ( 5.7% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d4_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
99 ( 4.9% )
16 ( 0.8% )
669 ( 33.2% )
1216 ( 60.3% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d4_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
99 ( 4.9% )
13 ( 0.6% )
3 ( 0.1% )
17 ( 0.8% )
652 ( 32.3% )
1142 ( 56.6% )
74 ( 3.7% )
16 ( 0.8% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d5_type [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. loop
  1. whorl
  1. unclear to classify
132 ( 6.5% )
27 ( 1.3% )
1299 ( 64.4% )
543 ( 26.9% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
right_d5_subtype [factor]
  1. missing
  1. simple arch
  1. tented arch
  1. ulnar loop
  1. radial loop
  1. simple whorl
  1. double whorl
  1. unclear to classify
132 ( 6.5% )
20 ( 1.0% )
7 ( 0.3% )
14 ( 0.7% )
1285 ( 63.7% )
484 ( 24.0% )
59 ( 2.9% )
15 ( 0.7% )
23236 (92.0%)
palmar_creases_right [factor]
  1. missing
  1. single radial base crease
  1. double radial base crease
  1. triple radial base crease
  1. unclear to classify
3 ( 0.1% )
890 ( 44.2% )
1083 ( 53.8% )
36 ( 1.8% )
0 ( 0.0% )
23240 (92.0%)
ss_line_right [factor]
  1. missing
  1. normal
  1. Simian line
  1. Sydney line
  1. unclear to classify
3 ( 0.1% )
1903 ( 94.6% )
89 ( 4.4% )
16 ( 0.8% )
1 ( 0.0% )
23240 (92.0%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

Resurvey 2

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
has_dermatoglyphics [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
23229 ( 92.0% )
2023 ( 8.0% )
0 (0.0%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

International Coordinating Centre, China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), CTSU, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF

Tel: +44 (0)1865 743743 | Fax: +44 (0)1865 743985 | Email:

Copyright China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), University of Oxford, (2024)

Page generated: 27-02-2024